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A Frankie Tale

New York Fashion Week PT.III- Mic Check it!

Welcome back to my inner thoughts!! New York Fashion week had so many moving parts, I simply couldn't capture it all in simply just one post.(That's why this series is freaking dope!) While I loved my time spent on the runway as a model and media personnel backstage at TFCP, if your pupils were here last week, you know that I spoke about everythAng Barbs vs. BardiGangg Gossip and nothAng on The Fara Charles Project. Laugh out loud! (Did you really LOL?..Haha..see what I did there? Keep up!) But I must admit, boy am I glad I did! Writing what I want is the s#!T.

I'm able to catch YOU off guard, all while providing you an objective opinion on the state of our Hip Hop culture and modern- contemporary society. "Bitch Come Here! Rachet or Real?", provided insight on the "Nicki-Cardi beef" and perspective on our culture's social norms, values, and basic principles of respect. If what you got from my "Bitch Come Here" post was anything short of a foil to the reality of two iconic woman, demolishing each other's characters in the name of fame and stardom, in a world where we are still fighting for womanhood and sisterhood-- to unite, to equate to that of the opposite sex, and to continue to make strides as we break the glass ceiling....then shorty, you in the WRONG blog honey.(But don't let that long-ass definition of my intellectual outlook on a celebrity fight fool you...I would still sign up to see them throw those hands! Lol!)

ANYWAYS.....I really enjoyed writing that post. It was my first GOSSIP BLOG! AHHH! But as dope as it was and all, it's a pretty quite town right now for the Barbs and BardiGang, because we have our OWN lives to carry out. So let's get back to The Fara Charles Project!

Going to New York Fashion Week as a triple-threat: poet, model, and media-- fed my soul in ways that is difficult to put into words. (I mean LITERALLY, I'm freakin' typing!) I was so grateful to be able to embrace different aspects of my creative spirit- simultaneously for a fashion show production. Blessed to be able to release poetically , strut, and interview all in one-body baby!

My first task on this dope venture, was to open The Fara Charles Project Runway Production with Red Wordz poetry. *Conscious: WHAAAAAAATTTTT!!!???? SAY IT LOUDER for le homies in the back! *Shouts to Pardi & Cardi's (ayy that sounds kinda good...haha) "Backin It Up"* Yep, I, Chezka...Frankie...Red Wordz (my alias game is strong) am going to open up a New York Fashion Week runway show with my melodic sounds. This was really happening!

But even through all my excitement, I was still so nervous....for a few reasons:

1. I Had no Idea what the hell I was gonna spit.

Okay, first of all, ya'll not gonna judge me. As an entertainer, performance nerves and jitters are a part of the creative process. And what do they always say in show business? **Corny Conscious: "Break a leg?"....[BUZZER SOUND]....NO! They say, "Trust the process". So I had to just let go and let the Wordz speak through me.

2. I couldn't decide between Freestyle Poetry

or Recited works.

As a freestyle artist, you gotta make sure you always hit your mark and get your message across, because you never know what's gonna come out of that mouth next. I asked Fara what theme she will like me to go with, and her response was "Girl, all that is going on now. The world chile, just do what chu got it!" Though she was encouraging me, what it really felt like was more weight on my shoulders. What on earth am I gonna say? What is this poem going to be about? ***Conscious: "Get it Together Red!"

3. I was literally about to recite poetry in a BATHING SUIT!

Now if you don't know much about Fashion week, everything goes! That means the bolder, the BETTER! High Fashion typically encourages the weird and adores the bizarre. The fashion statements are very POSH, controversial, and BOLD! I had to act fast, because I was already fully clothed in my Rarest Diamond cheetah bathing suit I was walking in. (It was the first collection up on runway!....just my luck!) As I am frantically looking for a chic cover-up from one the designers backstage, I came across a rare beauty that still allowed me to feel naked in a bathing suit, yet covered up enough to serve two different looks. Shop Blvssom had the perfect piece- a long, over-sized pink tulle dress with a very free flow fit. Chile, I was ready for le beach! Now that I was fully clothed, I went back to #1 & #2....WHAT IS THIS POEM GONNA BE ABOUT!? I drew super blanks....nada.

....UNTIL BAM! It hit me! Imma Freestyle some s#!T about being naked! This was my very first New York Fashion week. I knew the crowd that was waiting on the other side of that wall, were eager to be blown away by an amazing show-- and it was MY JOB to set the tone! No pressure....just ALL the pressure! I put my best foot forward and spit a FREESTYLE piece called "The Rarest Diamond"...YEPPPPPPP......

inspired by the threads on my back! The brand name just stood ourt to me so much, I couldn't resist taking the perfect opportunity to freestyle a piece about loving your body, appreciating your curves, referring to oneself as a "Diamond", and shedding on both the body-positive and free the nipple movement. It was like reverse-slut shame, done tastefully through the gift of spoken word.

So for this New York Fashion Week Series #aFrankieTale Blog Post, I decided to spice things up and give you some TFCP Meets New York Fashion Week- inspired poetry. I wish I can type "The Rarest Diamond" piece I spit because it was AMAZING....but unfortunately that is the CON to freestyle-- you don't ever remember that s#!T again! UGHHHH!!! So here you have it...Red Wordz Poetry inspired by my Tales, Adventures, & Mishaps in Fashion-living in le Big Apple! Enjoy brats!

*Check out my INSTAGRAM Page for a snippet of the poem.*

Golden Years

For she who seeks,


As she who finds,


These are the Golden Years.

Years of triumph.

For she who won,

suffered loss.

She who loss,

suffered success.

These are the Golden Years of sacrifice.

For she who walked the path,

found the way.

She who found the way,

trusted the path.

These are the Golden Years of faith

She who believed,


She who experienced,

believed in her dreams

The are the Golden Years of credence.

She is a diamond in the rough,

rusted bronze dented with love,

tarnished silver,

and still carries a heart of Gold.

These, are the Golden Years of any woman-

as she ages like fine wine,

shines like the sun,

and fills her soul

whole with the energies that surround her,

reaching G- Zer0.

These are the Golden Years of a woman evolving.

To be a woman

where the womb is sacred,

makes her SHE-ro

Because wither out her,

earth will be unearthed.

These are The Golden Years of a Golden womb-man,

where life is birthed,

.SHE is...

....the REAL superhero.


DESIGNER: House of Monde




Die Slow.

Never tell me that you'll go, oh.


Die Slow, oh.

Never Tell me that I'm yours.// x2

At Sun....

I'm losing myself

with myself,

by myself.

Asking for help,

but I'm reaching-

Reaching too far back.

My thoughts are speaking,

My fingers breathing-

This poetry

That flows through me.

With every letter pressed,

with every thought fathomed,

I phantom-

into the darkness.

Allowing the smooth sounds of Jazz make love to my ear drums.

As I,

become mesmerized,

by my inner thoughts.

The sweet sounds of light strums-

of my thumbs,

pressing against-

the space bar key.


got excited?

As i ignited-

descriptions of the depictions of my reality?


I crawl into the night,

never give up without a fight,

Sight on target at all times-

I CRUSH IT with all my might!

If my thoughts had guns,

Mannn, they'd shoot up ya spot-

Cause the only thing I got,

is me and my thoughts.

So I guess I gotta lay low-

and be a shadow

in the brim spots.

So I can-

get a word in,

before I lose myself within,

this world of-

worldwide webbing and sin.

Why not aim up, reach high and win?

Selfish slander,

blank facts,

blurred opinions.

Man what am I saying?

I'm just a Nervous Wreck

spilling my ink,

amongst audio lovers,

and word enthusiast.

Turn me through your speaker.

The Wordz from the wise-

Have arrived!

Red scatterbrainz, the teacher.

Matta fact, somebody call the preacher.

Because I just caught a body within my soul,

as I reached within me,

and touched a little deeper.


DESIGNER: House of Monde


The joy of living in a world.

where tears are smiles.

Sorrows are happiness.

Mishaps are acheivments.

Pitfalls are successes.

The joy of living in a world,

where we love thy neighbor as our own,

where protecting one another is the principle standard.

These squares created, and re-fabricated,

where we don't fit.

These friends who don't uplift,

these parents unfit.

These excuses unscripted,

yet an exact bit-

of the world you can admit.

I know...

so predictive.

But why fall in the pitt?

when we-

can all be the change.

Rearrange the scope of our lives and find joy in the things we love.

The joy of living in a world where rainy days,

are days to dance.

Where raindrops are gumdrops.

Where tasting the rainbow is possible.

Where nothing is impossible.

Where you can NVR be unstoppable.

Well you have arrived.

You are here.


Color the wold with joy,

remove gloom from our doom,

and pray for better days.

We can dream, see, and believe.

Put our faith in fate,

and wake up so see another sunrise.


Joyous beings,

full of laughter,

with a spark of love,

As postivie vibes radiate and we sprinkle our dust,

on every heart we touch.

Every hand we shake,

or every heart we break,

we paint the town with colors of joy,

never placing our glee at stake.

We are the brush strokes of happiness,

as the wind takes us through life.

Smile, love, & BE FREE....

These are the Colors of the Wind we breathe.

RUNWAY SHOW: Colors N Raw Runway Extravaganza Winter 2017

DESIGNER: Indentity

Welp, and that's all folks! Hope ya pupils enjoyed! If some works were puzzling to understand, it's COOL THOUGH! I treat my poetry very much like art, as it IS ART! So some things are left for YOUR interpretation. Let me know your thoughts.


Come back next week, for an exxxclsuive look at all the amazing collections that hit the runway!

I've got sooooo much to share! Don't throw away the key, keep it locked! Now remember that "Backin It Up" SHOUTS drop I made in the beginning of this post?

Welp, here's Pardi & Cardi's full video "Backin It Up" below. Enjoy.

This is #aFrankieTale....get a peek inside my head!!

...Now for some #PardiGangg & #BardiGangg

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