My First Press Conference EVER & My Question to Jimmy Butler About His Hair Extensions Goes Viral!
Last Monday September 26, I had a life changing moment unlike any other. An opportunity that not only shifted my outlook on my career,...

"Wait, you ain't never been to a Concert?"
What up! What up! Oh my, I couldn’t wait bring you another crazy tale from my CRAZY LIFE. Haha! For this tale, we ain’t have to purchase...

The New Yorker PART III: An Underwater Comedic Fairytale, Welcome to Bikini Bottom!
Now that we have covered my amazing Yotel stay, you know how I truly feel about dope-ass; dirty-ass New York and you have gained a wealth...

The New Yorker PART II: "Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?" ...Hopefully me someday!
"Are ya ready kids? Eye-eye captain! " If you don't know what comes next, then you're either not a parent, was more of a Disney Channel...

The New Yorker PART I: Bright Lights, City Lights, The Big Apple!
There's something about preparing for a trip that is just so enticing! The adrenaline you get as your departure date approaches, the...